Save Building One Legal Fund
We are going to Court to challenge Auckland Council's approved consent to partially demolish the listed Category 1 historic Carrington Hospital (1865-1905), Unitec's Building One.
We have tried to negotiate a better roading solution around Building One, not through it, to no avail. Now, our barrister has filed at the High Court, seeking a Judicial Review.
We request your help to fund our legal challenge and Judicial Review, so we can fully protect Carrington Hospital's Building One heritage.
The GiveaLittle campaign has ended. Many thanks to those who generously donated.
We also have a petition to The Crown that you can sign here.
2022 Artist Housing Survey
In 2022 we conducted a survey of over 500 Kiwi artists and creatives, to establish how income and housing issues affect the way they live and create. We discovered that many artists found both the scarcity of accessible housing and insufficient incomes had a negative effect on their creative work.
For example, one quarter of Kiwi artists have been homeless or sought housing assistance in last five years. For further details, you can download the survey report here. Also, you can visit a Stuff article which discusses the survey here – this article contains a link to an interview with Chris Casey by Radio New Zealand in which he talks about the ramifications of these difficulties, and how the Trust is seeking to find solutions to these problems.
Our heritage is under threat
A non-notified consent has been granted for the partial demolition of historic Building One at Carrington to make way for a new road. We believe that this is both wrong and unnecessary, and we are committed to a solution which saves all of this heritage landmark.
Under threat are the two south wings of Building One, which comprise nearly 10% of the building. Although these wings were an addition to the original structure, added in 1905, they remain of great historic value, and are of the same vintage as the protected and restored Union Steamship Co. and Saatchi & Saatchi buildings.
We believe that the consent to demolish an integral portion of Building One is contrary to the principle of heritage preservation, and was granted erroneously. We also believe that the proposed roadway can and should be re-routed, which will in no way reduce the amount of land available for housing development.
As part of our campaign to preserve all of Building One, we have created a petition that urges Government to halt the planned demolition, and we encourage everybody who cares about our heritage and our community to sign.
You can sign the petition here.

Building on heritage
Auckland city has not always served its heritage buildings well — often they have been neglected, abandoned or simply torn down. Yet these buildings are the repository of a shared history too valuable to lose.
In 2018, the Trust acquired the management of Maori Hall in Edinburgh St, Newton. The hall has served its community for over a century, and now requires an investment of time, money and care before it can once again host events, ceremonies and social programmes.
Formerly owned by Unitec, Building One is one of our city’s most storied landmarks. Purchased by the Crown in 2018, the future of this heritage building is currently being decided. We have recently submitted a Feasibility Study to the government which outlines a shared social, arts and well-being vision that will bring Building One into the heart of the community.